Next Challenge Starts February 15th!

Attention  Network Marketers:

7 Days to 7 New
Downline Members

JOIN the 7-Day MLM Challenge and you will

LEARN new skills

(be mentored by me and completely explode your business!)
The challenge starts February 15th but
Registration close Feb. 15th at midnight MST
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

This Challenge is for you IF:

  • If you want to... Build Your Own Empire
  • If you want to make a change in Your  Living... Style
  • If you want to IMPROVE your leadership Skills At Work.
When you join a NETWORK MARKETING COMPANY, you get to meet and network with other people in the company, some of who may be professionals in their different fields. So one advantage this kind of job gives you is to meet new people and network with them.

Simply Follow This Plan And You Will Succeed

In conclusion, doing a 7-Day MLM Challenge can make a huge, positive impact in your business.
Our 7-Day MLM Challenge Plan guides you every step of the way!
And it’s more than a plan. It’s also a challenge. If you are that great, I have some great products. Do something useful with your skill guys.

It’s Time To Take The


Here’s What You’ll Get When You Join Today!

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A Free Bundle Starter Kit Promotion

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec at sem semper, condimentum purus ut, pharetra libero. Donec iaculis nibh dui, eu blandit metus condimentum quis.

Free Training Session!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec at sem semper, condimentum purus ut, pharetra libero. Donec iaculis nibh dui, eu blandit metus condimentum quis.

Daily Videos for
Benefits and Advantages

Using Social Media To Reach
Your Target Audience

How To Talk To Your Friends And
Family Properly

People Buy From People Not Products

Scope Of MLM Network Marketing

Here’s What You Could Win

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed luctus lacus et odio sodales sollicitudin. Quisque id commodo nisi, at gravida mi. Praesent a neque non nibh molestie volutpat. Cras accumsan enim magna, ut  Sed luctus lacus et odio sodales sollicitudin. Quisque id commodo nisi, at gravida mi.

1st Place

($997 Retail)

A MLM Study Program 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing gravida condimentum lectus. Pellen tesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et male suada fames ac turpis.

2nd Place

($397 Retail)

6 Months of Accountability 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing gravida condimentum lectus. Pellen tesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et male suada fames ac turpis.

3rd Place

($247 Retail)

3 Months of Accountability 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing gravida condimentum lectus. Pellen tesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et male suada fames ac turpis.

Are You Ready?

YOUR 7 Days to 7 New Down-line Members TO SUCCESS IN MLM

Here Are Some Of My Team Members Sharing Their Results Of Their

7-Day MLM Challenge

"7-Day MLM Challenge is great to have to keep yourself motivated and accountable"

"I participated in the 7-Day MLM Challenge because it helps to keep me on track, and motivates me to push harder. The period from March 16-22, 2020, I scored a total of 128 points, signed up 41 new reps with a free account, of those 41, none placed orders.
What I learned from the experience is that I need to diversify my fishing ponds, and sources of leads. I need to focus on bringing leads in who are looking for natural products, or investing time in an opportunity related to health and wellness. I know I can expand and diversify my sources, and I have already put several plans into motion to do so, and they have been curiously effective.
In conclusion, the 7-Day MLM Challenge is great to have to keep yourself motivated and accountable. Think of it as a daily schedule, once you use it every day it will become second nature. I would recommend that everyone use this tool or one similar to become and stay successful."
  • Jane Doe

"Keep Myself Accountable"

"Some people may have found the 7 Day Challenge as an inconvenience or something that they felt “they had to do”. For me, I looked at it as a new tool to use to keep myself accountable. I did have my mentor as a partner in the beginning, which I feel helped get me started and stay on track being that this was new to me."
  • John Doe

"This was a great feat for me"

"I feel by taking this challenge I had more people not only enroll but I also have had customers purchase products. I have also learned that in order to accomplish your goals it takes not only connecting but following up, helping others, looking for different ways to reach people such as email, social media and regular mail."
  • Jane Doe

Challenge Starts July 15th... Don’t Miss Out

  • Walk hand-in-hand with me from July 15th
    through August 4th.
  • We’re going to do this together.
  • You follow the guidelines I’ll send you, and track your progress.
  • Start earning from day one


Start Earning Today!
Here’s How:
  • Start your side with the $99 Sunny Days Social Kit
  • Start your side with the $99 Sunny Days Social Kit
  • Start your side with the $99 Sunny Days Social Kit
  • Start your side with the $99 Sunny Days Social Kit
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* Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas fringilla consectetur metus at scelerisque. Nam mattis felis quis sollicitudin cursus. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae
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